Experiencing Highs to Deepen Understanding by Wendy from Australia
I have been teaching in secondary schools in Australia for 19 years. I have spent much of that time as the head teacher, often undertaking the principal’s role. The head teacher in our school system deals with difficult students when the regular classroom teacher has not been able to cope. Regular evening use of marijuana has helped me consider human beings more deeply and look at various reasons why people act as they do.
I have witnessed parents and teachers lacking compassion and understanding, yelling at children, pointing fingers at them and acting in a confrontational manner. I believe that, because I regularly relax with a pipe with a small mulled bud, I understand more about the children I teach. I can see the other side to every argument. My mind is not a closed vault anymore. I have noticed that when I enjoy my evening departure from tension, I am able to think deeply and fairly, and develop a truly human approach to my teaching job.
During the school day, I remember the evening musings and I am able to deal well with tense situations. I am able to ask insightful questions of teachers and students which helps to ease confrontational situations very quickly, and I encourage individuals to consider each other’s position in the manner they generally have not tried before.
As far as my health is concerned, as I have been one of those unfortunate ones who have had to deal with pain on a regular basis and have suffered side effects from prescription medication, the delicate green leaf has given me constant relief. I will continue to enjoy the highs with knowledge that my memory and awareness of life are only heightened by its use.